Thursday, May 12, 2011

Traffic Court

Ok, yesterday we had to go to traffic court in Prince George County because we were in an accident in March. As we are waiting our case to be called there were others in the court room because of tickets and such. One of the ones that were called to face the judge before us was a Hispanic man who needed a translator to know what the judge was saying. Those of you who know me know that I can't stand to hear anyone in America speaking another language, unless they are here on vacation or something like that. Once someone becomes a citizen they should be required to learn the American language so they can communicate without a translator. So the case went on and I overheard someone, I think it was the judge, say that the man was not a U.S. citizen. This made me even more perturbed because instead of deporting the man the judge apparently ignored the fact all together and just gave him a fine. If I were the judge that man and his family, he apparently had a wife and 4 kids, would be on the first plane out of here back to what ever country he had come from. Now I know that the immigration policy that America has is a little broken and that there has to be a more easier way for people to get their citizenship, but if people just come here to work and live without becoming a citizen they should not be allowed to live in this country. I can only think of some instances hear in Central Virginia in which people have been killed because of drunk ILLEGAL,in the case of immigration apparently illegal doesn't mean what the word actually means, Immigrants. If the US had a better way to deport these individuals then I believe that this country would be a whole lot better.
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